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Saturday, February 2, 2019

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this message

So with all the new people and changes in the last 3 months I wanted to take a few minutes and answer a few questions that have been asked.

First are any of these images\artwork\captions mine? No, I post what I find around the web that I like. Whenever possible I try to make sure to give credit to the original artist or captioner and provide a link to where I found it.

Why do I post or reblog like this? Well short answer posting like this helps you find the artist later so that if you really like a piece of their work you can find more of their work or know who created it. I may not like some of their other work that you might enjoy but by providing the link you can go see for yourself.

Will you consider doing artwork or captions in the future? Possibly, my real life schedule is a little crazy but as it levels out later this year we will see.

Do you log in everyday, all day, and post? Lol no, I usually have a week's worth of post setting in queue. I do try to login everyday or so and check on things and reply.

Are you a bot? LMAO, actually have been ask this twice lately. No I am real person, well at least last time I checked. I just use scheduled post a lot and have watch list and notifications setup to let me know when their is new artwork on certain sites .

I have found this artist\captioner your might enjoy what should I do? Please send me the link I am always open to suggestions and new art. The same goes if you are a new artist and would like share your work with a larger audience.

I am looking for a post that was here a few days ago but not now. Probably should go check the wordpress or twitter site. Very possible Tumblr may have flagged the post for some reason. If it's not on those sites I may have taken it down for a reason.

As always, I am just a small part finding and posting what I like, the artist and captions makers do the hard work. I am just happy we get to share this little corner of the web together.
~Thanks, Sassy

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